Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad!

It's been a while since my last post, right? hehe. How have you been guys?
Lately I just don't know what to post here and the passion about writing just disappear out of nowhere.

So today is my papa's birthday, he is 56 years old now. :)
I'm absolutely blessed because I have a daddy like him. He was so lovable, inspiring, good motivator, humorous yet admiring and adorable. hehe.

No matter how often I tried to let go, but I just can't. I always hope that he was still here with me, mom, and lil sis.
I always wondering why God took him so fast? But I just can't find the reason and I chose to trust God instead.
I believe God's plan is always the best. Still, I'm so sorry because I just can't let him go until now.
That's why my mood is not really good since 12.00AM till now.

This photo was taken on 12th July 2009, 5 years ago or 3 months before dad passed away.
I was still fresh student in senior high school there. :)
In this photo he already knew that he had a liver cancer stadium 4. The doctor told him that he had around 10cm cancer stayed in his liver.
He was so thin in this photo, he lost all his biceps and weight. He really love to do sports and he played badminton and tennis a lot.
He still got 1st rank in badminton tournament at my village few months before which I believe that the cancer already in his body.
This photo was taken at a beach in my village, and you know what, he drove around 45 minutes to took me, my mom, lil sis, and lil cousin there.
Can you believe that! He was so strong, the doctor said he was really strong and that was one of the reason why the cancer can't be detected before.
At first none of us believe that, he was so healthy back then. He was the most healthiest and strongest person in our family.
A man who had a liver cancer stadium 4 still drove all the way to the beach for his beloved family.
Today I just can't imagine it.
He didn't complain at all, he never told us if he was tired or not, he feel any pains or not, and all.
He was a man who will do anything just to keep his family happy.
That's why I love him so much!

Few weeks before he passed away, the cancer did really weaken him.
It hurt him a lot, the pain is just too much. The doctors can do nothing except injected morphine everytime he woke up.
It tore me apart to saw the strongest man I've ever meet in my life became that weak, really weak.
Back at that time I never thought that I will saw him shouting and crawling because of the pain.
At the morning before he passed away mom told us that he still walked to the toilet all by himself. He didn't even asked mom to help tidying and all.
He still recognized people who came to visit him, he sat and still look good.

Now you can imagine about how strong my daddy was. And I'm proud about that.
But no matter how strong you are, there will be something in this life that you can't handle because you are only human!
As long as you are alive, please always cherish your parents. As long as you are alive please always giving your time for your parents. Because you will never know when God will invite them to join with Him in heaven.
Just like me, right now I will do anything just to make my dad to be with me here even just for a little while so I can personally say Happy Birthday to him. :')
Last, I found this letter in google and it just perfectly describe my feeling and situation.
Once again, Happy Birthday Dad!
No words can describe just how much I love you, how much I'm so happy because I'm your daughter.
Thank God for giving me such an awesome daddy, my hero.
Also no words can describe how much I miss you and how much I want you to be here with me.
Thank you for all the 15 years that I spent with you, all the joyful and happiness, the tears and disappointment.
Everything just so meaningful to me.
A thing that that I haven't say to you is that I'm so proud to be your daughter! I will trying hard to make you proud of me too, so you can sit together with God and saying "Look, that is my daughter there, I know she can do well like usual". :)

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