Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Officially 19!

Hello, this is my first post on October. It's almost the end of October though. hahaha
So, I'm officially 19 years old now!! You know, I'm still an adolescent no matter what. lolol~

This year I didn't spent my birthday with mom and lil sis again *just like last year*, instead I spent it with my another family, it's a family without any blood relations. hehe.
Who are them? They are my friends in university and in the boarding house.
This year I spent my birthday at Megamendung, Bogor. Why so far? Because there was a faculty event called LDK (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan) and I was one of the commission.
I went there and just did my job till my friends threw me into the pool. I just took a bath and jreng....jreng,,, I got wet again. sigh~ they threw me again on the next day, they know that I can't swim but still. hahahaa-__-
anyway thanks a lot to them. :)

After that event, all of my friends & I went back to Jakarta. 3 of my elder sis in the boarding house didn't sent a birthday greeting at all on my birthday *I means Mami Erlin, Ci Lily, & Kak Nani*. I was so busy so I didn't think about it. But I believe they will never forget my birthday. lolol~
And I was right, they didn't forget and prepared a surprise for me. They bought an ice cream cake and a gift.

ignore my untidy face & hair. hahaha

There is a story why there was 2 ice cream cakes in the photos! hahahaha
No one know why I got 2 cakes, not all of my elder sis though.
Here's the story *the story that Kak Nani told me*, they were ordered an ice cream cake on Friday (25th Oct) a day before my birthday. On Saturday (26th Oct) which is my birthday, the cake delivered, and there were 2 cakes came together! Even the courier didn't know everything as well. lolol~ So it ended up with me get 2 ice cream cakes. hahaha. Don't know if the courier got it wrong or the producer, or what. ckckck-_-
I also got another birthday gifts from Ci Vany and Ci Feli.
Ci Vany gave me a 2014 hoya calendar and Ci Feli gave me a cute blue dress. :D
Thank you so much for both of them. hehe.

I think that's all. hehehe. Tomorrow is Halloween guys, do you already prepare your costume? hihihi
I'll post about my Rush Vacation in Bali next time, my bro hasn't send me all the photos yet. sigh~
okayy, see you guyss. xoxo :D

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