Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What is LOVE?

Hello, it's me *Adele's style*!
Since I already said that I might be back or might be not *which I haven't make up my mind yet* and suddenly something just popped up out of nowhere on my mind so here I go, blabbering about something unnecessary. Hahaha. FYI, this post is NOT going to be a short post! Prepare your heart and mind if you decide to read it until the end. LOL~

"What is love?" is the thing that hopped up onto my mind. Such a classic question isn't it? I'm sure you can find it anywhere, a question with all the unique answers.
In this post I'm not trying to give you an answer for that question but instead I also feel confused myself. So you can say that this is the question I've been asking my own self and I haven't find the answer yet.
Btw by the means of love what I mean is love in general, not only a relationship between man and woman but overall. Love for your parents, your siblings, your big family, your friends, your boyfriend/girlfriend, and even for people who you don't know or stranger.

I'm asking myself this questions since yesterday or a day before yesterday *not really sure tho*. And I've saw some answers about it.
In 1 Corinthians 13:5 written:
I still can't fully figure it out. 
What is the meaning of rude? Sometimes you hurt people you love by rude words because you care about them but still you are rude to them, then you don't love them? Sometimes a mom hit her child because the child is mischievous and she want to teach them to be a good kid, but still she hit her child, is that love or not?
Love is not self-seeking but sometimes husband and wife quarrel because they think their partner is selfish. The husband work day and night and in his mind he's working so hard because he love his wife and want his wife to have a good life, however the wife think the husband is selfish because he only care about the work and have no time for her. How come we explain this? The husband doesn't love his wife?
Another example A child study for her/his knowledge and grade to make her/his parent proud but the child not really often help her/his parent for home's task or hanging out with the friends and then the parent accusing their child to be lazy or don't have a social life like a normal child. Is the child don't love their parent or vice versa?
Love keeps no record of wrongs. So if your friends or stranger does some wrongdoings to you and you forgive them, is that love?

Some people say that

Often hear that phrase?
Even the description of home is different for everyone I guess. Some people might think that home is a comfortable place, their comfort zone, a nice place, but some people might think their home is a jail, a hell (maybe), an uncomfortable place. Also there's a word saying if you want to be better you should leave your comfort zone. From what I observe from some couples, they have find their good "home" in their partner but still they leave their partner behind with the reason that their relationship is too flat, monotone, not colorful enough and want to find another one who is more challenging. Some people just adventurous and nomadic I guess. How about that?

If you don't match your parent's, sibling's, family's, friend's, bf/gf expectation or what they want you to be it's that mean you don't love them?
If you say that if your parent, family, sibling, bf/gf really love you they will not demanding anything from you, but what if they demanding you in the reason that they love you and they want you to be a better person?

Really? You can accept all their failureS, stupiditieS, ugly pointS all over and over again? The reason why the "S" is capital means they do it more than once. So you can accept it all even after married *for couple*, you can accept it after your little child become an adult *for parents*, etc? I have never experience it so I can't answer that question. If you get hurt because of their failures, stupidities, and ugly points but keep holding on and not letting go, is it love or is it our blind side?

So, this is the end of this post I guess. Haha. Absurd huh? I think so. Maybe after read this you have some answer pop up onto your mind about "What is Love?" then leave your comment below at the comment box so we can share our thought or brainstorming. hahaha.
After I write this I have a lil bit insight but won't share it here *"so why bother to tell us?" is that what's on your mind?* LOL~
Okay here is the conclusion: you can't blame love, because loving someone is never wrong. And you just want all the best for your beloved one, right?

Okay, enough with this absurd thingy. Have a good day everyone! Much love. <3

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