Monday, November 5, 2012

AKB (Anak Kost Baru)

Hello November, please be a nice month for me. hehe

Ga kerasa sekarang udah bulan November aja, padahal rasanya kemarin baru awal bulan Oktober. kekeke
Kali ini gw akan bercerita tentang hidup gw sebagai anak kost. Hari ini gw uda resmi 3 bulan menjadi anak kost!! *prokkk-proookk*
Akhirnya sekarang gw jadi seorang mahasiswi dan merasakan hidup sebagai seorang anak kuliah diperantauan. Hukk
Yap, gw merantau jadi pastinya gw adalah seorang AKB. Bukan member AKB48 loh ya. haha. AKB di sini adalah kependekan dari ANAK KOST BARU. *jrenngg* Kali ini gw akan mencurahkan perasaan-perasaan gw setelah menjadi anak kost diperantauan. *ciehh*

Sejujurnya karena gw baru 3 bulan menjadi anak kost yang sah, gw belum merasakan banyak pahit-manisnya jadi anak kost. Tapi gw cukup merasakan manisnya menjadi anak kost dibalik kepahitan yang ada. haha
Maksud gw merasakan manisnya adalah sbb:

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Ok, this post is about my personal life matter, although it seems unprofessional to write about personal matter here but I think I'm going to explode if I don't expand it somewhere. I’m going to write a story about one of my friend here. I don’t know if she’ll read this post or not, but I hope she will read this post.

So I used to have a friend, she is my classmate too, n now I just know she has a very different personality compared to me. Everything on me is totally different compared with her. If she has an introvert personality, then I’m the extrovert one. At first I thought I've made a good friend with her because even though I’m an extrovert one it’s not easy for me to get so close with friends, guess sometimes I’m too picky, so I’m so glad when finally I could be close with her. I also didn’t know how n when I became close with her than with other friends. I've never knew that she dislike me even from the beginning *sometimes I’m less sensitive* I told her everything on my mind, I trust her more than other friends, till one day I accidentally read her blog n she wrote a story about me on her blog *wrote that she felt uncomfortable with me, etc* truthfully I felt sad, disappointed, n else at that time. *ok, I cried a little on that time* I thought we were good friends, but because I’m less sensitive I didn't know that she felt uncomfortable with me before.