Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to Overcome STRESS?

hello December!! it's already December n it's my 1st post in December. nice date huh, 12.12.12? hehe

This post is neither about K-pop nor something that I love. In this post I just want to share some tips to overcome STRESS.
Have you ever felt a pressure that make you want to explode and make you feel like want to eat someone? Feel want to cry as much as you can? Yes? It’s called stress dude. Its ok, you are not alone. Almost everyone felt this thing. I know this feeling is annoying because I had this stress thingy too. I have a lot of problems that could make me stress, you too? Then we are in the same side. LOL~

Monday, November 5, 2012

AKB (Anak Kost Baru)

Hello November, please be a nice month for me. hehe

Ga kerasa sekarang udah bulan November aja, padahal rasanya kemarin baru awal bulan Oktober. kekeke
Kali ini gw akan bercerita tentang hidup gw sebagai anak kost. Hari ini gw uda resmi 3 bulan menjadi anak kost!! *prokkk-proookk*
Akhirnya sekarang gw jadi seorang mahasiswi dan merasakan hidup sebagai seorang anak kuliah diperantauan. Hukk
Yap, gw merantau jadi pastinya gw adalah seorang AKB. Bukan member AKB48 loh ya. haha. AKB di sini adalah kependekan dari ANAK KOST BARU. *jrenngg* Kali ini gw akan mencurahkan perasaan-perasaan gw setelah menjadi anak kost diperantauan. *ciehh*

Sejujurnya karena gw baru 3 bulan menjadi anak kost yang sah, gw belum merasakan banyak pahit-manisnya jadi anak kost. Tapi gw cukup merasakan manisnya menjadi anak kost dibalik kepahitan yang ada. haha
Maksud gw merasakan manisnya adalah sbb:

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Ok, this post is about my personal life matter, although it seems unprofessional to write about personal matter here but I think I'm going to explode if I don't expand it somewhere. I’m going to write a story about one of my friend here. I don’t know if she’ll read this post or not, but I hope she will read this post.

So I used to have a friend, she is my classmate too, n now I just know she has a very different personality compared to me. Everything on me is totally different compared with her. If she has an introvert personality, then I’m the extrovert one. At first I thought I've made a good friend with her because even though I’m an extrovert one it’s not easy for me to get so close with friends, guess sometimes I’m too picky, so I’m so glad when finally I could be close with her. I also didn’t know how n when I became close with her than with other friends. I've never knew that she dislike me even from the beginning *sometimes I’m less sensitive* I told her everything on my mind, I trust her more than other friends, till one day I accidentally read her blog n she wrote a story about me on her blog *wrote that she felt uncomfortable with me, etc* truthfully I felt sad, disappointed, n else at that time. *ok, I cried a little on that time* I thought we were good friends, but because I’m less sensitive I didn't know that she felt uncomfortable with me before.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Me, 18

26th October 2012

do you know about a movie with title Me, 19? I just saw the movie title yesterday n somehow it's inspired me. LOL~ but I won't discuss about that movie or something related to Me, 19. the topic for this post is Me, 18 not 19. hahah

today is my birthday n I'm 18th years old now. huaaa. already an adult? yes? no? *confuse*
so, what's the special thing? not so much.
it's my first time celebrated my birthday far from mom n lil sist. so it feels a little bit weird, but I'm fine. :)

my cici-cici in the cost celebrated my birthday on 12.00 AM n gave me a small cake n gift. I'm so thankful n glad. they are the best cici-cici ever!! hehe. guess what is the gift? it's HAIRDRYER. heheh. thank you!! :*

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tugas Penulisan Ilmiah

Nama : Theressa
NIM : 705120118


Pengertian Rokok
     Rokok adalah daun tembakau yang telah dicacah dan digulung dengan kertas (Levinthal, 2012). Sedangkan menurut Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (2005) rokok adalah “Gulungan tembakau (kira-kira sebesar kelingking) yang dibungkus (daun nipah, kertas, dsb)”. Awalnya rokok digulung dengan tangan, namun seiring dengan bertambahnya permintaan pasar, maka saat ini rokok diproduksi menggunakan mesin (Ray & Ksir, 1999). Jadi, rokok adalah benda yang terbuat dari daun tembakau kering yang telah dicacah dan digulung dengan daun nipah, kertas, atau bahan lainnya sehingga berbentuk silinder dan dapat dihisap. Sebelum dihisap, ujung rokok disulut dengan api terlebih dahulu.
    Kandungan-kandungan yang terdapat dalam rokok. Dalam sebatang rokok ada 13 macam bahan kimia yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh (MCKim, 2000). Kandungan-kandungan tersebut antara lain:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

MY Kim Hyung Jun - ESCAPE Album

finally I'm here again!! looks like I just can post something once a month. so busy with university life. huhu.
actually I feel lazy to post something too today *need to study because I have a test tomorrow. T_T* but because a small little thing I made up my mind n write here. LOL~

ok, today's topic is about my Kim Hyung Jun's Escape Album. I know its kinda late to discuss about this topic because the album is already released from long time ago. but I still want to show mine. *show off* LOL~
this is the topic that I talked in my latest post before, but I don't think that it'll take this long for me to post it here. hahaha

so, I got this album around 3 weeks ago I guess, after waited for 2 months. LOL~ at first I want to post it soon after I got the album, but I'm too busy n tired so I postponed it till today. hahah. I bought A version, the one with lots of photos. LOL~

Monday, September 10, 2012

New Family

Hey yo, it's been a month + 2 days that I didn't update anything here. I'm very busy with my university life. has test almost everyday. -_-" at campus from 8.00AM till 04.30PM or more, once I was at campus from 8.00AM till 6.00PM. LOL~ so tired but I tried to enjoy it. :D
btw this post has no relation with K-Pop, it's about my new life. if in the latest post I talked about my friends, then in this post I'll talk about my new family. I got lots of new elder sisters here. I'm a maknae n I enjoyed it anyway. LOL~

Happy 25th Birthday Mami Erlin!! 
So the story started from 8th September 2012, it means 2 days ago. Cici-cici* n I celebrated our mami’s birthday. Hahaha. Not a real mami of course, it just our fondly call to her. Her name is Erlin, even though her birthday is on 6th September, but we celebrated it on 8th September, kinda late though. Wkwkwk. But it’s better late than never, right? Hehe. we prepared a lil surprise for here n jrenggg, it was success. :D
Next story…………………………………

Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Life, New World, New Me

hey yo, wassup?
this month will be very tiring month for me. I started my university life, far from family, far from friends, far from everyone. alone in the very big city.
so, I moved to very big city that far away from my hometown n stay alone. lonely? of course!!
must do anything all by myself. sigh~ this is life n this is my choice. busy? don't ask this!!
that's why I don't even thinking about topic for blog. finally I end up here by saying non-senses. LOL~
look at my new room. so messy. -_-a

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rookies MV Review [A-JAX - Hot Game, NU'EST - Action, B.A.P - No Mercy]

Yeah, after 2 posts has nothing related to kpop + 1 post about my fanpage, now I’m back. [K-POP Lovers Mode : ON]
Let’s start!! LOL~
I've said that maybe I'm going to review about rookies MV, right? so here we go.
As we know, there are so many many many rookie groups lately. In fact I eyeing for boy groups rookie more. Haha. But too much rookie groups make me confused too, such as EXO, B.A.P, NU’EST, JJ Project, A-JAX, BTOB, etc. too much. OMG!!
So far my favorite is EXO (both of EXO-K & EXO-M), but this time I will not reviewing about EXO. :)

I’m going to review about new MV of rookie groups. Guess who? Hehe.
jrengg jrengg.... it’s A-JAX - Hot Game, NU’EST - Action, and B.A.P - No Mercy. Have you seen the MV? No? Go watch it NOW!! Haha.
ok let's start!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Little Story About My Kim Hyung Jun (김형준) FanPage/@Jun_LatestNews

Happy 2nd Anniversary to my beloved fanpage!! it's already the 2nd years. woah, time flies very fast. :)
actually I don't think this post is going to be a short post, not sure if it's a little story or long journey of my fanpage. LOL~
ok, if we are talking about the fanpage, of course I should share a little about my story too. *can't be separated*
started from the time when I fell in love with SS501 in 2009 when accidentally I saw their Snow Prince MV in YouTube. afterwards I became their big fans & love all members, but at the same time I also had a deep crush in Kim Hyung Jun. LOL~ after that Kim Hyung Jun became my number 1 bias. wohoo~ *FYI, SS501 is my 1st love in K-Pop*

afterwards, I love to searched anything that related to SS501 & love fanpages in facebook that shared a lot of updates about them, especially about Kim Hyung Jun. *can't deny that I love to share an update about them to other fans too*
someday 2-3 fanpages in facebook seek for an admin. then I think it's like my opportunity since I can share an update about my idol, so I signed up. unfortunately none of them had choose me. LOL~ *poor me* can't denied that I feel quite disappointed at that time.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Book with No Name [Novel Review]

Hey yo, what’s up? :D
So, my cousin lends me a novel with title The Book With No Name by Anonymous. *I know the title n the author sounds so weird, but that’s truly the name. Don’t know how much a book with title like this exists in this world. LOL~*
This book is 70% mystery, 20% detective 10% unnecessary cruelty. :P
Before lend me this novel, my cousin told me that the plot is quite hard to understand because the author changed the setting in every chapter. But after I read it myself I don’t think that it’s hard to adapt with the story, especially for everyone who loves to read novels. The story is quite interesting and the ending is so unpredictable!! I’ve read some detective novels n comics so far *FYI, I love detective thingy so much!!* but this one is just different. Usually I can guess who is the murder or something like that, but this novel is totally deceived me. *Maybe I just to shallow? LOL~*

I think I’ll spread a lot of spoilers here, so if you don’t want to hear any spoiler n want to read the novel first, I suggest you not to read my post. Haha.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3 Types of My Maybelline Eyeliner [beauty review]

This post is not about kpop anymore. Like what I’ve said in my 1st post, I’ll review about everything that I love here. So here we are. Hehe. btw, this is not an ads for Maybelline's product ok!! LOL~

This post is about eyeliner!! Just like any other girls I love to dress up, so don’t be confused n lately I’m so much in love with eyeliner.
Hmm, I just reviewing about eyeliners that I used. *how come I review about something that I don’t use it myself, right? LOL~*
Ok, almost all my eyes products are Maybelline *I means all eyeliners & mascara* I trust all the eyes products, but I never try Maybelline’s other products like BB Cream, powder, lip-gloss, blush on, etc. *although mom asked me to try the BB Cream, but I love my BB Magic Cream from Etude House so I don’t think that I’ll try other brands for now* but I would willingly try the eyeshadow. :D
For eye products such as pencil liner, gel liner, liquid liner, & mascara all of mine are maybelline because it’s totally waterproof n don’t smudge so if you cry until your eyes swollen the eyeliner & mascara are still fine. LOL~
left to right : pencil liner, gel liner, liquid liner

I have 3 types of eyeliners, first is cream pencil liner, second is gel liner, n the last one is liquid liner.

Friday, July 13, 2012

T-Ara - Day By Day, 2NE1 - I Love You, WG ft Akon - Like Money [MV Review]


Holla everyone!! The next post is here. Actually I want to post about all Romanization lyrics from Kim Hyung Jun’s Escape album. I Romanized it all by myself anyway *show off* because I’ve searched everywhere but no one seem to Romanization it before. *but you can easily find it everywhere now.* It was my first time Romanization lyrics. Found out it was so fun. Still, I can’t translate it to English since my Korean language is not that good. LOL~
Anyhow I’ve given you all spoiler about this post, so I cancelled to post my Romanization lyrics or maybe postponed it. *not too sure if I will post it here or not. Haha*  I must keep my promise anyway.

So here we go then. I’ll review a little about girlgroups new MV. OMG!! Too much new MV n comeback this month either from boygroups, girlgroups or solo, really make me confused which one should I review. LOL~ but I decided to review girlgroups MV that seems interesting to me.

Let me start now, afraid that I’ll blabbering too much. XD

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

[review] Kim Hyung Jun - ESCAPE Album

Sorry I’m sorry, baby I’m sorry~~

I’m back, this time I’m going to review about Kim Hyung Jun’s new album ESCAPE. FYI, he is my bias in SS501 since the 1st time I know K-Pop, my 1st love in Kpop world anyway. LOL~
ESCAPE is his 2nd mini album after Girl.  He’s back after 1 year n 4 months with more mature image. Wohoo~~ *Actually this post was going to be my 2nd post in this blog, but I changed it to my 3rd post due to personal reason. hehe*
There was also sad news about this album, the MV n all songs were leaked before the release date. I don’t know how come it leaked. But as a Triple S n Junus of course I didn’t tried to find it. I hope all of you too. We need to support our idol from the official site. *I’m a good fans, right? LOL~*
let’s supporting our Jjun, remember his promise about the free concert if he win in music program. *although if he held a free concert, I still can’t go there. LOL-_-*
but still, I’m going to support him with my full heart. LOL~ I’ve ordered my album btw, how about you? :P

Ok, shoud we start now? Go go XD

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

SuJu is Back!! (coverage)

Sexy, free & single, I’m ready to bingo. Sexy, free & single, I’m ready bingo~

Yo man, Suju is back!! They are back with their 6Jib, Sexy, Free & Single. Clap~clap~clap~
This is the last album before Leeteuk enlist to the military n the 1st album after 2 years for Kangin after he’s back from military duty.
This album has 10 songs. They are Sexy, Free, & Single, Rockstar, Now, Gulliver, From U, Bittersweet, Someday, Stay, Farewell Day, and Butterfly/Pappilon. Wow. Have you listen to all of them? No? It’s highly recommended then.

So far my favorites are From U, Bittersweet, Someday, and Stay. Most all of them are ballad. LOL~ since when I become in love with ballad? I don’t know too. Haha. But out of all, I love all of the songs. All of them have unique styles and own characteristics. Of course it’s SuJu’s style. This album concept is beautiful males. All members resembled the Gods & Goddess from Greek Mythology. Such as Leeteuk is Zeus, Yesung is Demeter (Goddess of harvest), Kangin is Hades (God of underworld), Shindong is Poseidon (God of the seas), Sungmin is Venus (Goddess of love), Eunhyuk is Athena (Goddess of war), Siwon is Apollo (God of sun), Donghae is Artemis (Goddess of moon), Ryewook is Hephaestus (God of fire), and Kyuhyun is Hermes. Am I missed something?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Blog

I'm back!!
just create a new blog. wohoo~ should I greet everyone here? yes? no? ok, whatever. find out my old blog is so boring. suddenly I want to post on a blog again and with a NEW BLOG, not the old-boring one. :P
although I also don't know what to write here. LOL~ blabbering too much, but yeah, it's ME!! haha
maybe I'll discuss about my passions more in here, especially KPOP stuffs!! gonna review some MV or songs maybe. forget it, I'm going to review everything that I love since it's my blog. haha. FYI, I'm a kpop lovers anyway. who is with me? put your hands up!! yuhuu~
what should I say again? don't know what to say anymore. will this blog going to be an interesting blog or just like the old-boring one again? surely don't know. LOL~ should I upload a photo here? ppl keep talking that a blog is more interesting with photo. here we go then. haha.
crop this photo from high school farewell celebration. kinda blur n random. LOL~