Friday, October 26, 2012

Me, 18

26th October 2012

do you know about a movie with title Me, 19? I just saw the movie title yesterday n somehow it's inspired me. LOL~ but I won't discuss about that movie or something related to Me, 19. the topic for this post is Me, 18 not 19. hahah

today is my birthday n I'm 18th years old now. huaaa. already an adult? yes? no? *confuse*
so, what's the special thing? not so much.
it's my first time celebrated my birthday far from mom n lil sist. so it feels a little bit weird, but I'm fine. :)

my cici-cici in the cost celebrated my birthday on 12.00 AM n gave me a small cake n gift. I'm so thankful n glad. they are the best cici-cici ever!! hehe. guess what is the gift? it's HAIRDRYER. heheh. thank you!! :*

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tugas Penulisan Ilmiah

Nama : Theressa
NIM : 705120118


Pengertian Rokok
     Rokok adalah daun tembakau yang telah dicacah dan digulung dengan kertas (Levinthal, 2012). Sedangkan menurut Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (2005) rokok adalah “Gulungan tembakau (kira-kira sebesar kelingking) yang dibungkus (daun nipah, kertas, dsb)”. Awalnya rokok digulung dengan tangan, namun seiring dengan bertambahnya permintaan pasar, maka saat ini rokok diproduksi menggunakan mesin (Ray & Ksir, 1999). Jadi, rokok adalah benda yang terbuat dari daun tembakau kering yang telah dicacah dan digulung dengan daun nipah, kertas, atau bahan lainnya sehingga berbentuk silinder dan dapat dihisap. Sebelum dihisap, ujung rokok disulut dengan api terlebih dahulu.
    Kandungan-kandungan yang terdapat dalam rokok. Dalam sebatang rokok ada 13 macam bahan kimia yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh (MCKim, 2000). Kandungan-kandungan tersebut antara lain:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

MY Kim Hyung Jun - ESCAPE Album

finally I'm here again!! looks like I just can post something once a month. so busy with university life. huhu.
actually I feel lazy to post something too today *need to study because I have a test tomorrow. T_T* but because a small little thing I made up my mind n write here. LOL~

ok, today's topic is about my Kim Hyung Jun's Escape Album. I know its kinda late to discuss about this topic because the album is already released from long time ago. but I still want to show mine. *show off* LOL~
this is the topic that I talked in my latest post before, but I don't think that it'll take this long for me to post it here. hahaha

so, I got this album around 3 weeks ago I guess, after waited for 2 months. LOL~ at first I want to post it soon after I got the album, but I'm too busy n tired so I postponed it till today. hahah. I bought A version, the one with lots of photos. LOL~